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Cookies the Ayurvedic Way

Hi there! You doing ok this week?

It's holiday baking time and I'm sharing three cookie recipes that include some ayurvedic, ojas-building goodness.

You might be saying, "eating cookies isn't very ayurvedic of you, Julie" but actually, it is if done thoughtfully.

Here's how you can feel better about your indulgence:

  1. TASTE- the sweet taste pacifies vata dosha which tends to be high this time of year. In moderation, having some cookies made with high quality sweeteners like raw, organic sugar, maple syrup, honey or other natural sweetener that has not been processed is a great way to enjoy your treat.

  2. TIME-by eating cookies or sweets between the hours of 10am and 2pm (pitta time of day) ensures you have the most digestive fire to burn those calories. No gobbling cookies after dinner or late in the evening where those calories will contribute to weight gain.

  3. 80/20- The ayurvedic rule of 80/20 means 80% of the time do the best you can to follow ayurvedic protocols for optimal health, and 20% of the time be flexible.

Give these a try this season and post your results and reviews @clevelandayurveda.

Boost your immunity and more with these yummy cookies. If you like spice cookies or molasses cookies you'll love these!

Chywanprash is a nutritive jam that has been used for thousands of years to support the strength of the tissues. It also:

  • Supports overall strength and energy

  • Promotes muscle mass

  • Builds ojas for supporting a healthy immune response and youthfulness

  • Supports healthy function of the heart and respiratory systems

  • Tonifies the reproductive system

  • Kindles agni (digestive fire)

  • Gently encourages elimination

  • Supports optimal urinary health Buy a jar of Chywanprash HERE

Simple energy building deliciousness.

Chai is made of sweet spices that help warm the body. This recipe pushes the boundaries of being classified as "ayurvedic" but hey, don't they look amazing?

Happy baking!


Thank you to all who signed up for my spring retreat in the Poconos!

We only have 2 spaces remaining and we anticipate selling it out by January. If you'd like to join us be sure to grab your spot before they're gone!

My Thursday, live zoom yoga class returns! Beginning January 6th 10am-11:15am. I hope you'll join me. Recordings will be available per request. TEASER....SOMETHING BIG IS COMING in 2022! That's all I can say right now :) Have a wonderful week. ~Julie

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